On October 6th, Emma Lea Ruth turned 6 months old. It is amazing how very fast she is growing and changing. Her 6 month appointment isn't until November 1st so I will post her stats after her appointment.
I have said since day one that Emma could win the happiest baby in the world contest, and that continues to be true. She loves to giggle and laugh. She squeals with joy when you tickle her chest or under her chin. Peek a boo is quickly becoming a favorite game...and even Madison can play that game with her now.
Emma is desperate to learn how to crawl. She so wants be able to follow her sister and cousin around as they move from room to room. Just today, she pushed herself up onto her hands and knees for a moment or two. It won't be long before she figures it all out and is able to keep up with Madi and Aiden.
She is starting to use more syllables. She will say mamama and dadada. I have also heard her use yeah appropriately. She babbles more than Madi and Aiden did combined.
Emma Lea is starting to want to put herself to sleep. It seems so early for her to want to just lay down to go to sleep. I will miss the days of rocking a baby to sleep when my babies decide they are too big for that anymore.
Emma is working on sitting up. She can balance for a few minutes before falling over. When she falls over, she gets quite upset. Hopefully she will learn to sit up longer so she is not quite so frustrated.
This little angel can now hold her own bottle. As any mother knows, this is a huge accomplishment and gives me more freedom to chase the other babies in our home.

When I pick the three kids up from Grammy Cone's every day after school, I have to give them all a hug, or else. Emma is especially glad to see me and she throws the biggest fit if I don't pick her up when I get there. It is nice to feel wanted and missed by the kids. Since Brad and Amber now are both fully employed and work until at least 5 I have agreed to watch Aiden from 3:30 until they get home so that poor Grammy doesn't have babies for 11 hours a day...I am enjoying getting to have our special time together after school.
Cousin Aiden turns one on November 5. For his birthday, Brad and Amber bought him an inflatable ball pit/trampoline. It is set up in our basement and the kids love it.
This has got to be my favorite picture of any of the kids so far. After our photo shoot with Auntie Amber, I gave Emma her bottle on the blanket and went to go make my shopping list. I noticed that it became really quiet, and when I checked on Emma she was fast asleep. She stayed like this for quite some time. I couldn't resist capturing this moment. She looks so peaceful.
Whew...I think I am getting there. Life has sure been busy since school started. And now our camera is broken...so hopefully I can continue to update everyone in a timely manner. Until next time, Jami
1 comment:
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that last photo Jami. Nicely done Auntie Amber!
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