I know that I am terrible about blogging...I make excuses but really, I just need to be better about it. So thank you for waiting patiently...Maybe I would be better if I didn't wait until I had time to upload picture to post. So be prepared for more posts without pictures...although I know you are all dying to see my beautiful girls. :)
Madison is growing up so fast...she is talking up a storm. Full on sentences, paragraphs and stories. It is so much fun to take her anywhere in the car because she gives a continuous narrative of the things she sees, and the stories that those things remind her of. She is a loving big sister, who wants to play with her "sis". She loves to play in her new kitchen that Santa brought...she makes cookies, coffee, ice cubes and sandwiches and then serves them to anyone she can find. She has learned how to play hide and seek...and will play for hours, even though she always hides in the same spot. She is learning how to count, and counts everything. Her favorite song is still the ABC's and she is even getting closer to hitting most of the letters. Madi loves books, she has a dozen in her bed that she reads to herself every night as she is falling asleep. For Christmas, she received a leap frog junior reader, which looks like a dog and reads the stories to her. She has been loving playing with that! She is definitely Mommy's girl, and wants to be doing anything and everything I am. She loves to cuddle and give hugs and kisses. She is truly a sweet child and I am loving every minute of having her in my life.
Emma Lea doesn't act like she is 20 months old, she thinks she is already much older than that...I imagine it is because her sister and cousin are so close in age. Emma talks nearly as much as Madi. She is making sentences, and is really good about repeating anything she hears. She has such a spunky personality...she still only has two major moods...happy and not. Boy, when she is not...she tells you! Emma wants to be doing everything that her sister is doing, from playing in the kitchen, to reading stories, to climbing the stairs...you name it, Emma wants to do it, and she wants to do it now. She is our little comedian. She loves to make you laugh. Her favorite person right now is Uncle Mike. Brandon's friend Mike moved in with us in September and Emma has claimed him as hers...she even calls him "my Mike". Emma has no fear, and will climb up on anything she can think of. I have found her standing on the dinning room table, the rocking horse, the desk in her bedroom, and the top of the toilet in our bathroom...I think I tell her 10 times a day that she needs to get down! I can't believe that she is almost two! She hardly resembles the baby she was, except for her size...she is still so tiny (21 pounds soaking wet).
Well I suppose that is a start. I will hopefully get some pictures loaded soon...Love you all!
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago
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