Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fall Memories

1. Madison to Mommy on the phone from Grammy's house at the end of the day:
Madi: Mommy, me sick.
Mommy: Oh, well then I guess I will have to come and get you and take you to my meeting
Madi: Me sick, mommy go home
Mommy: Ok Be right there.

Upon arrival to Grammy's house:
Mommy: Grammy, I heard Madison say she is sick, whats going on?
Grammy: Oh...I didn't hear that part of the conversation...she isn't sick, she has been perfectly fine all day...I guess I need to pay more attention to her conversations...
Mommy: I guess Madison has figured out how to get Mommy to come home from school...Ha Ha

Madison's first successful attempt at playing hookie...2.5 years old.

2. Emma to Daddy on the day he stayed home from school to play with the Girls all day:

Emma: Mommy work. Daddy stay home. No Shelly today.
(Shelly is our babysitter on Fridays)

Emma's first successful spoken paragraph...1.5 years old.

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