I saw my OB yesterday for a check up on baby number two. Things are progressing nicely, she says my weight gain and blood pressure are perfect and that the baby is growing right on schedule.
The office is in the process of switching from the OB performing the ultrasounds, to having technicians performing the ultrasounds, and there has been some confusion. So my OB did a quick ultrasound yesterday just to make sure that she was getting the right information from the scans.
The due date we are officially using is April 12. The scans we did yesterday had us measuring right on the due date we found in our first ultrasound from September. So that bit of confusion has been resolved and we can now say with confidence that our due date is April 12.
After two scans that didn't show any boy parts, we can feel fairly confident in the fact that we are having another girl. So far the name we have chosen is EmmaLea Ruth, although the spelling might change before she arrives. I am getting excited about meeting our Emma. Although life will definitely be a little crazy with two babies 13 months apart. :)
Madison is going to be a great big sister. She is already trying to help out with her cousin Aiden who is 2 months old. Last week she was trying to give her bottle to Aiden while they were at Grammy Cone's house during the day. She is getting closer to walking every day. She can pull herself up on anything, including the wall. She is getting braver about letting go to stand on her own and even tries to take a few steps on her own. She still needs to improve her balance before she will be walking independently.
Well, with today being the 12th, that means that Madi is 10 months old, and three more months until Emma joins our family. I will post some pictures soon. I have belly pictures, ultrasound pictures, among others.