Brandon and I are officially done with the 2010-2011 school year. We are both now tenured teachers and that feels good to know that we both have secure jobs. Brandon was very busy this year with trips to Las Vegas, Rapid City, Houston, and now Laramie. (I think I got them all...) He also coached the Robotics team and Skills USA.
Emma Lea has sure become Daddy's girl lately, and she is sure missing him this week while he is gone in Laramie for a conference. Emma is running everywhere these days. Grampa Bruce entered his '68 Chevy pickup truck in a local car show this past weekend, and Emma loved it out at the show. She would grab my hand and just start walking, dragging me along with her. It was cute!
Madison is definitely two years old. She is into everything, has her own opinions about things, and her favorite word right now is "no". She is loving getting to be outside and would be outside all the time if we would let her. This week is finally nice enough to let her be outside most of the time. I think we got over 5 inches of rain in May and it was either too cold or too muddy to go outside.
I was very busy this spring as well. I was teaching 4 different subjects at school, including three for the first time, and trying to keep up with a household of three toddlers. I am very excited to have the next few months off to try and make a dent in the projects that seem to pile up during the school year, and to spend lots of time with my girls!
The girls are in a race to see who is going to talk first. They are both adding a word or two to their vocabularies every week. It is helpful that Madi is now starting to be able to say what she wants. we are getting closer to talking all the time.
Next weekend, we are hosting a HUGE garage sale. Merchandise for the sale has filled our pole barn and garage. Wow! If you know anyone in Gillette looking for furniture, clothes, housewares, lamps, books, dishes, game consoles, or is looking for a car or motorcycle, please send them our way on Saturday and Sunday.
After two years, Brad and Amber will be moving out of our home in the next week or so. They have found an apartment and are anxious to get set up before baby Teddy comes into this world. Amber will be 37 weeks this week, and she is anxious to meet her little boy. We will be busy getting them moved out while we are also preparing for a garage sale. Sounds like a busy week.
I think we are going to stick fairly close to home this next month. At least I don't know of any travel plans for June. I am hoping to get the yard going and I guess my dad has figured out how to get us sprinkler systems and so we will be trenching and installing those this month too.
So far in July we will be spending quite a bit of time in Colorado. The 2nd-9th Brandon will be taking his Grandma to Wolf Creek Pass to go fishing, and I will be taking the girls to my Grandparents in Colorado City and Pueblo to visit. My two Great-Grandmas live in Pueblo and don't get to see the girls very often, so this will allow everyone to get to spend some time with them.
Well, the girls will be waking up from their naps soon, and I still have quite a bit to do before they get up.